ROBB FLYNN: ‘I Don’t Want To Be Like THOM YORKE, Thinking SPOTIFY Is A Scary Thing’

MACHINE HEAD guitarist/vocalist Robb Flynn has commented on RADIOHEAD frontman Thom Yorke's much-publicized decision to pull songs from music streaming service Spotify. [dropcap]...[/dropcap] older people... er uh, people my age *ahem*. "In fact, I was talking to a buddy out here on [Rockstar Energy Drink]Mayhem [Festival] the other day, and he was telling me about a band's new record I should check out, and I was like, 'Oh, yeah, thanks for the reminder. I'll have to Spotify that,' and he gave me a little shit, like, 'Oh, man, you gotta go and 'buy' that shit,' and I was, like, 'I AM buying it, I got Spotify Premium, they're getting money off my stream and if I love it, I'll most likely buy it on iTunes, but dude, I'm on tour, at an amphitheater in the middle of nowhere, when am I going to buy that shit at a store? That most likely doesn't even carry said record?' "That's the beauty of Spotify. I can get music in an instant, no waiting, no trips to the store, literally within 30 seconds! For 10 bucks a month!! Shit, I spend 5 times that on fucking coffee which doesn't do jack shit for me!!