The Church of Pungent Stench, Inveracity, Wreckage, Bio-Cancer, Ixpapalotl // Kuttaro Club, Athens, Greece // 01.03.2014
Another Saturday night leads us t...
The first thing I noticed on the copy of this EP is the stating (filled with pride and out of fear I guess): Death metal against fascism, discrimination and music commerce. I’m all for it without even listening to it. As far as the content is concerned, I should tell you first that we’re dealing with a band that the only thing you can’t understand instantly is their stange name. All other stuff will penetrate your mind the easy way or the hard way (or the band’s violent way, still you won’t escape it). Ixpapalotl was a band I didn’t know until 20 months ago, when I saw them live at the first Greek Death/Grind Scene Festival and they really blew me off with their presence and dedication to the sound they love (It’s very important for a band to show that they love what they play, these guys did it very easily).
A part of the constant rise of the extreme scene in Greece, Ixpapalotl can make you bounce your whole body while listening to them. If you know what death metal meeting grinding process with the whole outcome making the listener feeling like dancing violently, then Ixpapalotl are surely the definition of such a term (if it exists). When you see a band live and: 1)they don’t lose a note despite they play difficult stuff, 2)they show capable of