CHIMAIRA Frontman: ‘Many People On The Internet Thought We Were Done For’
Raymond Westland of Ghost Cult magazine recently conducted an interview with CHIMAIRA vocalist Mark Hunter. A couple of excerpts from the chat follow below.
Ghost Cult: "Crown Of Phantoms" is very strong album. Does the overall quality validate the new lineup?
Hunter: I certainly hope it does; it was our goal. "Crown Of Phantoms"is the culmination of three years of going through tons of changes, harsh realities but also excitement. It's something brand new and when you put all those things together you get "Crown Of Phantoms" as a result. These are exciting times for the band and it's the polar opposite of where I was with the band two years ago.
Ghost Cult: With all the old members leaving, a lot of people on the Internet thought CHIMAIRA was done for. Did you ever seriously considering pulling the plug on the band entirely?