BLIND GUARDIAN: More ‘A Traveler’s Guide To Space And Time’ Box-Set Photos Available Manos SpanosJanuary 8, 2013 "A Traveler's Guide To Space And Time", a strictly limited-editionBLIND GUARDIAN box set with 15 CDs in 13 high-quality digipacks and only 8000 copies worldwide... 06 min read
Blind Guardian: Rosario Concert Footage Available Panagiotis KaragiannidisSeptember 8, 2011 Fan-filmed video footage of BLIND GUARDIAN's September 3, 2011 performance at Willie Dixon in Rosario, Argentina can be (more…)... 00 min read
Blind Guardian – At The Edge Of Time Panagiotis KaragiannidisSeptember 10, 2010 A few years ago, only the sound of Hansi’s voice and the well known melodies of Blind Guardian could make bang my head for hours. (more…)... 00 min read
Blind Guardian Frontman Issues New Album Update Panagiotis KaragiannidisNovember 15, 2009 Vocalist Hansi Kürsch of German metallers BLIND GUARDIAN has issued the following update (more…)... 00 min read
Rocking Athens Festival @ Athens, Greece. Panagiotis KaragiannidisAugust 5, 2009 Rocking Athens Festival Heaven And Hell, Blind Guardian, Testament, Gojira, Mencea, Descending Taek Won Do Stadium, Athens, Greece 27/07/09 (more…)... 00 min read
Rocking Athens Festival: New Venue Announced Panagiotis KaragiannidisJuly 21, 2009 A new venue was announced for Rocking Athens festival. (more…)... 00 min read
Blind Guardian (Andre Olbrich) Panagiotis KaragiannidisApril 29, 2009 As it is commonly known that Blind Guardian are one of the biggest acts in the history of power metal (more…)... 00 min read
Rocking Athens Festival 2009 Panagiotis KaragiannidisMarch 20, 2009 Rocking Athens Festival is a new effort that is going to take place for first time in Athens (more…)... 00 min read