On Saturday 26th of September we will have the pleasure to enjoy for once more MACHINE HEAD. A band with over 20 years of music and on stage presence. With many ups and downs but with a stubborn (you can say) will from its’ captain Robb Flynn. Below I will give you some “must listen” Machine Head” songs from each album.
1. Burn My Eyes (1994)
Their debut album Burn My Eyes begins with “Devidian” a song that I think it has never missed from a live show of the band. The songs’ lyrics refer to FBIs’ invasion in Davids’ Koresh (leader of a cult) place with the death of 85 people as an outcome. The song itself is an amazing diamond full of groovy and break down riffs.
2. The More Things Change (1997)
“Take My Scars” from the album The More Things Change reveals a more nu metal approach yet again the riffs are heavy as hell. And the lyrics are referring to the organized religion in generally.
3. The Burning Red (1999)
Their next release was The Burning Red and here Machine Head have become official a nu metal band. With a bit heavier approach but still. One song that is surely standsout is “The Blood, The Sweat, The Tears” with a lot of Slipknot and Korn influences inside.
4. Supercharger (2001)
“Crashing Around You” from Supercharger is only a small taste of change of their sound. Rap singing (!!!), more alternative rock and nu metal, surely Machine Head disappointed big time those who expecting a more Bay Area approach!!
5. Through The Ashes Of Empires (2003)
Two years after they come back with Through The Ashes Of Empires and finally we can say for sure for a comeback to much more heavier forms. A proof of that is the song “Imperium” with amazing and complicate drumming, lyrics that Rob literally spits them out and a half minute thrashy part that it can make you rip your own neck off!!!
6. The Blackening (2007)
Four years later The Blackening came out. An album full of diamond songs but still if someone wants to stand out one this will definitely be “Aesthetics Of Hate”. A momentum of hate from Rob Flynn for an article written by an unknown journalist named William Grim who cursed through it the only days murdered DimebagDarell. Musically the album is overflowing of heavy, thrashy good music!! A momentum moment for Machine Head too!!
7. Unto The Locust (2011)
Unto The Locust took them also 4 years to release it and it continues where its’ processor left. Only with a bit more feeling. “Darkness Within” is a unique song for the band. Full of personal feeling of Machine Heads mainman this masterpiece is a mid tempo heavy emotional song with an amazing outburst at the half of it.
8. Bloodstone & Diamonds (2014)
Bloodstone & Diamonds introduces to us another musical expression of the band. Classical music organs. You can definitely hears them in “Now We Die” in the chorus and ending parts.The violin surely gave to Machine Head a more multidimensional musically point of view and expression.
Machine Head is one of the elites of the global heavy metal scene and with each new release they prove it even more from their last. On stage they are a well oiled machine and I hope they will prove it once more!!