Has anyone ever noticed a little piece of land between England and Ireland on any world atlas? Well, that is the magical country of Wales and the Welsh are proving once more why they shouldn’t be missing from the music map. There isn’t much MOTÖRHEAD’s lead guitarist Phil Campbell hasn’t done and he proves it yet another time with forming PHIL CAMPBELL AND THE BASTARD SONS. Only three months after their appearance in Wacken the past August, they came up with their own brand new eponymously named EP, fully loaded with five original songs.
Phil Campbell recruited his three sons, Todd (guitar), Dane (drums) and Tyla (bass) and along with Neil Starr on vocals, he formed this kickass hard rock n’ roll band. Their EP, it is exploding, energetic and extremely “rock”. It’s been influenced a lot from MOTÖRHEAD’s sound and it is justified, only this one is a little bit more melodic, slow and “dancy”. A perfect start for Phil’s new band and let’s all hope they will feed us with more of their work in the future.
“Big Mouth” is the first song of the release. It kicks in immediately and quite instantly the listener can feel his brains being splashed on the wall, his neck already lying on the ground while the stomach is far gone. All this, because of the genius, bluesy, jumpy and incredible drum-guitar riff combination. The distortion of the bass wakes a lot of memories and Wizzö’s stamp cannot be ignored. A perfectly rhythmic solo accompanies the melody of the song making it easily the featured song of the EP. Neil’s big mouth goes as aggressive as it can get, giving this little extra to the first song.
Moving on to the second and third songs, the audience comes facing “Spiders” and “Take Aim” respectively. Two quite similar songs, with familiar rhythms and excellent bluesy structure. PHIL CAMPBELL AND THE BASTARD SONS already shows it’s appetite and goal, where it is to catch the auditor’s breath and never let it go. Both enriched with smart small solos where they just spice up the songs’ taste. However “Take Aim” in the middle of it’s duration, proceeds to a genius transition of rhythm, mixing things a little bit and giving the song an attacking face where the listener can in no way see it coming. A perfect “break” inside the song.
“Absolutely majestic composing, simple catchy and powerful music.”
There is no turning back from what you have become and that is the message the 4th song “No Turning Back” passes along. Fully loaded with pure biker-charged riffs and a speedy tempo, it’s music just captures the hearer’s soul and smashes it upon the wall. A lot of MOTÖRHEAD’s fans would say this could be the band still standing, breathing and living through it’s Welsh guitar legend Phil while the feeling is the same but different at the same time.
Finally this extra-ordinary EP has reached it’s end and “Life in Space” is the best closure it can get. Nobody could possibly guess that PHIL CAMPBELL AND THE BASTARD SONS would provide the audience with a balladry style song. Simple acoustic guitars sound, alongside the Welsh fronted mini solos and the perfect matching clean vocals of Neil compose this last incredible song leaving the audience more than satisfied. Nobody can dispute Phil’s intelligence and song writing skills, but still, who would have thought that an exploding start like the one of this EP’s would lead to an end so peaceful and calm.
Overall, what is there left to say? My personal opinion has clearly appeared from the critic I performed. EP’s duration is just perfect, with a really satisfying amount of 4 songs. Despite the familiar sound, rhythm and character it never gets repetitive and doesn’t seem to wear the auditor. I can not imagine a better start for PHIL CAMPBELL AND THE BASTARD SONS. Absolutely majestic composing, simple catchy and powerful music while the riffs… well, to quote some Neil Star: “You know what you’re gonna get, because Phil Campbell is the riff god.”.
Every MOTÖRHEAD and not only fan, has an obligation to make up a few minutes and just listen to it. I did, and it was splendid!