“Gore”, surely needs a few or more spins, in order to reveal its secrets, hidden feelings and therefore create an overall opinion, on its effect. DEFTONES, entered the studio with an absence of written material and a strict timeline, which turned out to be an advantage on the music outcome.
“Prayers/Triangles”, introduces us in a typical (in the best way meant) DEFTONES-like manner, with the drumming and guitars being slow yet very powerful. Next, “Acid Hologram” broadcasts images that resemble living a life in a dream, while Chino Moreno is doing his best to maintain this dream-like soundtrack.
Remaining in the category of typical DEFTONES music that fans cherish, “Doomed User”, leaves Chino pleading and accusing in an engaging flavor. “Doomed User”, “Pittura Infamante” and “Geometric Headdress” all find him searching and experimenting on disjointed vocal lines. Emotional “Geometric Headdress”, is succeeded by the atmospheric “Hearts/Wires”. An album highlight is the appearance of ALICE IN CHAINS’ Jerry Cantrell on “Phantom Bride”. Art, intelligence, belligerence and melodic approaches appear to be the recipe for DEFTONES’ success.
Overall, “Gore” as expected, is engaging and captivating – not as much as ‘White Pony’ I have to admit – but it rather conveys this mystical atmosphere-trademark of DEFTONES. The vibes and diffuse sexuality anticipated are here, but despite of its quality, does not enchant or surprise and rather comforts, in its beautiful brutality. “Gore”, after all, is a bit gore and this is the reason the Sacramento band stands out from the ‘crowd’, reinventing themselves with every new release.
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