I think we can all agree that from a band that’s making her first steps in the music industry you can expect to evolve in each album. So with always that thought on my mind I arrived at Underground Studios with the usual suspects for a pre-listening session of THE SILENT’s WEDDING second album “Enigma Eternal”.
So the question is if the band has won the bet really. If they evolved and made a descent and good album. The answer is most definitely yes!! They made 2 and more steps forward in everything. The band is a mix of power and progressive combination. A usual and common sound someone would say. But I think the guys here really nailed it!! The production is solid avoiding mistakes of the past but most having the knowledge to make things better. Also the band sounds more focused and bonded as a whole. One thing that made me a great impression is the lyrics of Marios (vocals). As a personal taste I think he made an exceptional job with them. The band has also a special guest in one of their songs and this is none other than Tom Englund the voice and mastermind of Evergrey.
I prefer to leave you only with some information about “Enigma Eternal”. I control myself for when the album is out and more people will hear it and of course when I have listened it again and again. The resume is that THE SILENT WEDDING did a great job in all the aspects of an album with this one. Putting them for good this on the metal map! Stay tuned!