Jeff Martin
Harley Club, Thessaloniki, Greece

One of my dreams came true that Thursday night, where in the night of a national celebration of our country, one of the best and most charismatic musicians of all times, did us the favor and honor to give an acoustic show in Thessaloniki. He had already played once in Athens, as he did this time also. Unfortunately only few people decided it was more important to see him love than do anything else, so we were not more than one hundred persons. There were also two support groups for him, Until Rain which I had seen them recently and Ink. I apologise for both groups, as I nearly missed the whole show for personal reasons, and arrived just five minutes before Martin entered the stage.

The Canadian 40-something year old musician started his show a little after half past ten, with one of the best if not THE best The Tea Party song, called ”The Bazaar” and from the first moments we were able to enjoy his velvet voice doing miracles, he was in perfect shape, though he claimed he had caught a cold during his stay in Thessaloniki the previous night with the members of Ink. I can’t imagine what would have happened if he had his voice untouched, according to him always. The fact that all the ones who came to the show, were already astonished by his presence.

He continued with a song called ”Requiem”, soon to be collided with ”Hurt”, which mainly got known by Johnny Cash, though it is a Nine Inch Nails song. One more heart-breaking performance by Martin, showing that he’s dived very much into what he does and proving that in terms, one man with his acoustic guitar can sound more powerful than a group with bass, drums, or even heavy riffs. Later followed a song called ”I Love You”, which he seemed to live every word of it, one of the best moments of this concert for sure, followed by ”The Messenger”, another sweet song by his glory days in The Tea Party. Of course, acclaimed 100% by the audience, with Martin wearing a great smile on his face.

Later came something that made us very happy: ”You know I used to be in a band called The Tea Party”, with all of us shouting with ease to wait what he was going to say. ”There is a chance maybe in 2011 that three old friends might meet again” with everyone getting happy, now that was really a great surprise, with Martin adding ”But at the moment I’m just hanging out great on my own” and everyone laughed at his joke. Then came ”Save Me” from ”Splendor Solis” album of The Tea Party, one of the songs we also waited to listen to, with everyone taking part in the chorus, when Martin told us to sing loud. Amazing moment really!

I could write for hours about his whole comfort on the stage, after all he’s been around for about two decades, playing demanding music in many periods, with The Tea Party having been characterized as the new Led Zeppelin in the past. So, to play acoustic would be the easiest thing to do for him. A great tune called ”Line In The Sand” was prologued as follows: ”Sometimes there are things we want to do but we must not cross a certain line, like a line in the sand. You stand on one side but you must not surpass to the other. I suggest you did the same”. ”Winter Solstice” followed, another The Tea Party great moment, where in the ending part he played the beginning of ”Sister Awake”, unfortunately not all of it.

Time passes quickly when he said good night, but we knew there was going to be more. So he returned a few minutes later, to play an amazing blues medley of mainly old Led Zeppelin tunes, such as ”In My Time Of Dying” or ”Whole Lotta Love”. Imagine an atmosphere where you are in the 1850’s. Drinking your beer, holding your colt in your hand playing with it, and instead of a piano player, you enjoy a musician who knew why and what he came to do in the saloon you were hanging on. In the end, you would think nothing less but taking your horse and drive it back to the ranch, feeling full and having witnessed something really special.

The announcement of a probable return in August for some extra shows, was nothing more than welcome and great to know that such a musician has the urge to visit our country again. He also announced us that he has a band called The Armada, with which he’s going to tour the world one day and after he finished the show, he told us to wait and hang out for some autograph session and photos with him. Smiling, calm and kind to everyone, he didn’t deny to a single person having some talks, drinks, and photos. All in a great atmosphere and after 80 minutes of letting himself naked of instruments. Just his own self. Blessed be such people that fill our nights with sweet feelings.

Aggelos “Redneck” Katsouras.