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Steve Vai

MIKE PORTNOY On Possibility Of Reunion With DREAM THEATER: ‘If I Was A Betting Man, I Wouldn’t Put Money On It’

In the latest issue of U.K.'s Metal Hammer magazine, drummer Mike Portnoy (THE WINERY DOGS, DREAM THEATER, AVENGED SEVENFOLD, ADRENALINE MOB) was asked by TESSERACT's Jay Postones what the chances are of Portnoy ever playing with DREAM THEATER again. "If I was a betting man, I wouldn't put money on it," Portnoy replied. "And that's not my doing. I never say never and haven't closed any doors. "I'm a very nostalgic person; I forgive and forget very easily… but I think the guys [in DREAM THEATER] have made it very clear they have no interest in looking backwards. "Those guys were a huge part of my life for a very long time, so I'm open to anything, anytime. "I guess the ball's in their court. We shall see." Portnoy, who co-founded DREAM THEATER more than 27 years ago, abruptly quit the band in September 2010 while on tour with AVENGED SEVENFOLD. He has since been replaced by Mike Mangini (ANNIHILATOR, EXTREME, JAMES LABRIE, STEVE VAI). In an October 2013 interview with Brazil's "Wikimetal", DREAM THEATER singer James LaBrie stated about his current relationship with Mike Portnoy: "I haven't spoken to Mike since he left the band. "Myself, personally, and the way that the band feels is we're moving forward. Mike Mangini is our drummer and he will remain our drummer until the day that we're finished doing this. It's just the way that it is. "The reason that DREAM THEATER is moving on is because we have somebody that completely clicks with the band, he understands the band and he's helping us fulfill our musical aspirations. "Mike [Portnoy], you know, he's moved on, he's working with musicians and doing the things that he wants to do musically, and I think he's happy with that. But as far as DREAM THEATER [is concerned], this is who we are and this is who we will continue to be. Mike Mangini is our drummer, and he will be."

MIKE PORTNOY Admonishes Fan For Showing Up To Signing Wearing MANGINI-Era DREAM THEATER Shirt

**UPDATE**: Mike Portnoy posted the following message on his Facebook page earlier tonight: "Once again everyone's got their panties in a bundle and have taken a post of mine and turned it into sensationalized 'news'....ugh! "'s as simple as this: do what you want, say what you want, listen to what you want, wear whatever shirt you want...It's a free world!! All I'm saying is remember there are human beings on the other side of your words and actions! "I'm into peace, love and understanding... Live and let live... "Sometimes we all get emotional, I am totally guilty of that, no question!! I am a passionate person... But I have no ill intent towards anybody and have no anger or resentments, so please don't attack me as if I do... "Can't we all get along??? Haha... "Lighten up, live and love! : )" The original article follows below. Mike Portnoy has admonished a fan for showing up to the ex-DREAM THEATER drummer's in-store signing earlier today (Saturday, July 26) wearing a t-shirt representing the post-Portnoy era of the band. Mike and his THE WINERY DOGS bandmate Billy Sheehan took part in a meet-and-greet with fans at The Guitar Factory in West Seneca, New York prior to the group's performance tonight at The Traif in Buffalo. After the session, Portnoy took to his Facebook and Twitter accounts to express his disapproval, writing: "Somebody came to my signing today wearing a 'Dramatic Turn Of Events' shirt....REALLY??? Couldn't find a DT shirt from 1985-2010? Please try to use some sensibility/sensitivity when choosing a shirt for an MP event." He added in a separate status update and tweet (both of which have since been deleted): "Sad I can't post anything on my own FB & Twitter without getting everyone jumping down my throat. Seems everyone's allowed an opinion but me." Portnoy, who co-founded DREAM THEATER more than 27 years ago, abruptly quit the band in September 2010 while on tour with AVENGED SEVENFOLD. He has since been replaced by Mike Mangini (ANNIHILATOR, EXTREME, JAMES LABRIE, STEVE VAI). DREAM THEATER's current lineup has recorded and released two studio albums without Portnoy: 2011's "A Dramatic Turn Of Events" and 2013's "Dream Theater". Asked in a September 2013 interview with "The Classic Metal Show" why he bothers still answering DREAM THEATER-related questions in interviews when he seems to get criticized no matter what he says, Portnoy replied: "Because when I get asked it, and then I say, 'I don't wanna talk about it,' then that's what goes in print and that becomes the headline and then I'm still a bad guy; there's no winning." He continued: "My problem is that I care too much and I'm too honest; to be honest, that's the problem. I wish I could say I have thick skin and I don't give a shit what people say, but the reality is I do care what people say, and I've always been that way. I read the Internet, and I care what the fans have to say, and when they tear me apart, I wish I could say it doesn't bother me, but the reality is I'm human. I guess that's the bad that comes with the good. The good is that I do care and I read the Internet and I try to be a very fan-oriented artist. But the bad that comes with that is that I'm also subject to all the ridicule and the criticism and things like that. "So, what can I say?! It is what it is, and I try my best to ignore it and try to… The reality is that for every one person that tears me apart and hates me, I see 99 other people that are supportive and get it and are behind me. And I guess that's what I really need to focus on and appreciate." mikeportnoyshirttweet3

MIKE PORTNOY Is ‘Happy’ To See AVENGED SEVENFOLD Has ‘Blossomed To A Whole New Level’ Following His Departure

On May 23, Steve-O of "The Live Addiction" conducted an interview with drummer Mike Portnoy (THE WINERY DOGS, DREAM THEATER, AVENGED SEVENFOLD, ADRENALINE MOB) in Houston, Texas. You can now watch the chat below. Asked about his relatively short stint as the studio and touring drummer for AVENGED SEVENFOLD following the death of the band's original drummer, James "The Rev" Sullivan, from an accidental overdose of prescription drugs, Portnoy said: "It was a really cool experience. There were basically two experiences — it was the ['Nightmare'] album [recording] and the [subsequent] tour. The album was a really heavy emotional experience. 'Cause we started the album, I don't know, maybe six weeks after The Rev was buried. So it was still really fresh for those guys, and everybody was really very emotional. So making the album was a really emotional experience and I felt really honored to have been part of that experience with them. And that's why me and Zacky [Vengeance, AVENGED SEVENFOLD guitarist] got these matching tattoos. To me, it was a real amazing experience to bond with them during that period. And then after that experience, you know, I wanted to be there to help them, and that's how my services got called upon for the first half of the tour — I did, I think, I guess, the first five or six months of the 'Nightmare' tour — basically, 'till the end of 2010. And, you know, at that point, it was just them getting back on their feet and [I was] helping them out." He continued: "I don't think I was ever going to be there for long. I was still in DREAM THEATER at that point, and even once I left DREAM THEATER, it was pretty established that it was just a helping-them-out phase. And it was a great tour, man. I had fun with those guys. They're nice guys. And I'm so happy to see that they've gotten back on their feet and have blossomed to a whole new level and continue to do what they're doing. So it was an experience I look back upon with a lot of great memories." Following Sullivan's death, AVENGED SEVENFOLD recruited his favorite drummer, Portnoy, to record the drum tracks for "Nightmare" and all its 2010 tour dates before dismissing him at the end of that year. AVENGED's current drummer is Arin Ilejay, who began playing with them in early 2011. Portnoy, who co-founded DREAM THEATER more than 20 years ago, abruptly quit the band in September 2010 while on tour with AVENGED SEVENFOLD. He has since been replaced by Mike Mangini (ANNIHILATOR, EXTREME, JAMES LABRIE, STEVE VAI). In a December 2011 interview with the San Francisco, California radio station 107.7 The Bone, AVENGED SEVENFOLD guitarist Zacky Vengeance stated about being caught in the middle of the drama between Portnoy and DREAM THEATER, "It was something that we were not used to at all. We had never, ever experienced any kind of in-the-spotlight drama; we just always stay in the shadows and keep any of our personal business private. And [Mike is] a very different character — he always goes straight to fans [on] Twitter or whatever… That's how he dealt with his band, and it was new to us. We like to be in touch with our fans, but we're also very private." He continued, "[Mike had] been talking about quitting DREAM THEATER, that he wasn't necessarily happy, and he was excited to be playing with us; we were playing huge shows and stuff. I think he got caught up in the moment, got excited. We begged him to consider what he did, because we were in no position to find a permanent replacement, because in all honesty, you can't replace Jimmy, who was our best friend — first and foremost — besides beng an amazing drummer. So it just wasn't the right time and the place. And he told us, 'Hey, I've got good news and bad news. I quit DREAM THEATER.' We were like, 'Oh, no. Well, if you're happy, then that's good.' [And he was like], 'Now I can be with you guys.' And we were like, 'That's not necessarily what we decided upon. And you should take your time and reconsider.' And he was like, 'Well, I put out my press release.' We were like, 'Dude, that's not how we do business. You should have talked to us before.' Then it was back and forth [between Mike and his former DREAM THEATER bandmates]. We were out of it; we had nothing to do with it. We were just trying to get back on our feet. So when all that was going down, it was causing us a lot of heartache, to be honest — to see our name in this drama-filled love triangle. He helped us out at a really vulnerable time, and for that we will always be extremely appreciative. But for us, we were so unstable at that point that any unneeded attention was just very harmful to us. Obviously, it didn't work out [between us and Mike], but I think it's for the best — for him and for us."

JOE SATRIANI: ‘The Complete Studio Recordings’ 15-CD Box Set Due In April

Legacy Recordings, the catalog division of Sony Music Entertainment, will release "Joe Satriani: The Complete Studio Recordings", a 15-CD library box housing the rock guitar virtuoso's most comprehensive anthology ever, on Tuesday, April 22. "Joe Satriani: The Complete Studio Recordings" will also be available as a collectible limited-edition USB drive exclusively on One of the most influential and respected instrumental rock guitarists to emerge in the past three decades, Joe Satriani is that rare "musician's musician" who's crossed over into the mainstream with music sublime and complex, appealing to a wide variety of tastes. A true master of the six-string, Satriani worked as a guitar teacher in his early career, with a number of his students — among them Steve Vai, Kirk Hammett (METALLICA), Larry LaLonde (POSSESSED, PRIMUS), David Bryson (COUNTING CROWS), Charlie Hunter and more — achieving their own considerable successes. While in considerable demand as a sideman throughout his career — he's toured with Mick Jagger, DEEP PURPLE and many others — Satriani has pursued his own musical vision over the years through a series of instrumental rock albums (many of them Grammy nominated) which chronicle his evolution as an artist and his eloquence as a guitarist. All 14 of Joe Satriani's landmark studio albums, from "Not Of This Earth" (his 1986 debut) through "Unstoppable Momentum" (2013's masterpiece), are included in the new collection alongside "Added Creations And Bonus Tracks", a newly curated anthology disc of rare compositions and performances falling outside the purview of Satriani's official album canon, and "Surfing With The Alien", 1987's platinum-selling breakout. "When the good people at Legacy approached me with the idea of a comprehensive box set featuring my studio recordings in their entirety, plus bonus tracks, all remastered, I answered with a resounding, 'YES!,'" said Joe Satriani. "The only person who could pull this all together logistically and sonically was mastering engineer John Cuniberti. "John and I have recorded quite a bit of music together going way back to the early '80s. I've made more records with John engineering and co-producing than anyone else, so who better to help me put this box set together the right way? His attention to detail has made this project exciting, illuminating and ultimately awesome sounding." "Joe Satriani: The Complete Studio Recordings" presents brand-new digital masters, overseen by Joe Satriani, with each CD packaged in a replica cardboard jacket. The library collection is housed in a specially designed clamshell box with a booklet filled with photos and memorabilia from across the decades. "Joe Satriani: The Complete Studio Recordings" is the ideal audio accompaniment to "Strange Beautiful Music: A Musical Memoir", Satriani's autobiography, also coming in April. A tireless performer who draws strength and inspiration from live shows, Satriani is consistently one of the world's top concert draws. He is a core member of the rock supergroup CHICKENFOOT (with Sammy Hagar, Michael Anthony and Chad Smith) as well as founder of the highly successful G3 tours, each teaming Satriani with a pair of top-flight guitarists with shows often featuring special guest artists and other musical surprises. A nearly annual event, G3 launched in 1996 with Steve Vai and Eric Johnson and has showcased a wide variety of axemen over the years, including Kenny Wayne Shepherd, Yngwie Malmsteen, Robert Fripp, John Petrucci, Steve Morse, Neal Schon, Brian May, Billy Gibbons, Steve Lukather and many others. Most recently, the G3 tour played South America in 2012. Over his career, Joe Satriani has earned 15 "Best Rock Instrumental Performance" Grammy nominations alongside platinum ("Surfing With The Alien", "Flying In A Blue Dream") and gold ("The Extremist", "Time Machine") certifications for his solo recordings. He also racked up gold and platinum certifications for the DVD "Live in San Francisco" and two G3 DVDs, "G3 Live" and "Live In Denver". Satriani is extending his decades-lo