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lemmy kilmister

MOTÖRHEAD’s LEMMY: ‘I Am Feeling A Lot Better Than I Did’

Legendary MOTÖRHEAD frontman Lemmy Kilmister was interviewed on the March 28-30 edition of Full Metal Jackie's nationally syndicated radio show. You can now listen to the chat using the Podbean widget below. A couple of excerpts from the interview follow. To see a full list of stations carrying the program and when it airs, go to Full Metal Jackie: So great to hear your voice. It has been a while. What have you been up to? Lemmy: I have been ill for about a year, but I am pulling out of it now. I am getting better now. Full Metal Jackie: You are feeling good? Lemmy: Not good yet, but I am feeling a lot better than I did, which was terrible. Full Metal Jackie: Well, that's good. I will take that as a positive. Lemmy: Yes, it is onward and upward, you know? Full Metal Jackie: You are going to be having some tour dates in April, with Coachella, and it looks like a week of dates. Are you looking forward to getting back out on the road? Lemmy: Yeah, it's about time. Full Metal Jackie: You have spent most of your time on the road on tour, it seems. Do you feel out of place or out of sorts when you are not out on the road? Lemmy: I did at first, but then I got comfortable, but I will be alright. Full Metal Jackie: You are looking forward to it, though? Lemmy: Yeah. I am looking forward to hear some of the crowds again, you know? Full Metal Jackie: I know us, the fans, are really looking forward to seeing you out there playing again. We are looking forward to that. That is happening in April there is going to be about a week of dates. Coachella, which you obviously have never played before have you ever been? Lemmy: No, we are doing two shows at Coachella. The first one and the last one. Full Metal Jackie: Are you looking forward to that? Lemmy: Yeah, yeah. It depends on how the first one goes. Full Metal Jackie: Over nearly 40 years, MOTÖRHEAD has played some unlikely venues but on paper a cruise ship sounds like the strangest to me. What appeals to you about the upcoming MotörBoat cruise? Lemmy: It is something we haven't done. We have played in places where there is a truck door to get off the stage, we've played in jail, we've played a lot of weird places, but we have never been on a boat. I used to go, when I went up to Liverpool to see THE BEATLES, they used to have rock 'n' roll cruises on these two old ferry boats. You get five bands and you go out for three or four hours and they [get up on] a stage and come back in. I used to go on those so I got the idea. I just told the people who run it to put their heads together and know what they are doing. Otherwise, it would be a terrible fiasco, you know?