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GODSMACK: ‘1000hp’ Single Premiere (Audio)

GODSMACK's first all-new single since 2011, "1000hp" (One Thousand Horsepower), arrived at rock radio stations on Monday (June 9) and can now be streamed in the YouTube clip below. Singer Sully Erna told The Pulse Of Radio that his original title for the song took things to the next level. "Actually, the original title I wanted to put on the song was '100,000 Horsepower'," he said. "But unfortunately, rhythmically, it was too many syllables and I couldn't make it fit the way I wanted to creatively, so I trimmed it back to '1000 Horsepower', which is still pretty fuckin' powerful, by the way." "1000hp" is taken from the album of the same name, which comes out on August 5. The band's sixth studio effort will follow up 2010's "The Oracle" and follows a two-year hiatus. The "1000hp" digital single will be made available on June 10.

GODSMACK’s SULLY ERNA Says ‘1000hp’ Title Track Was Written In An Hour

GODSMACK has offered up a short preview of "1000hp" (One Thousand Horsepower), the first single and title track from the band's sixth studio album, due out this summer. Singer Sully Erna told The Pulse Of Radio how the song came together. "It's one of those songs that surprisingly came out and was written from back to front in, like, an hour. I started putting one thing together with the next, and then Shannon [Larkin, drummer] started jumping in and then we arranged the whole song, and literally within an hour, maybe 90 minutes, this whole song was written and it was one of the last songs that we wrote, and it ended up becoming the first single." The "1000hp" track will be released to radio on June 9, and a digital single will be made available on June 10. The full-length CD will be out later this summer. GODSMACK's follow-up to 2010's "The Oracle" was once again helmed by Dave Fortman, how previously worked with SLIPKNOT and EVANESCENCE, among others. Erna described the sound of the "1000hp" album to The Pulse Of Radio as "a little bit more raw, a little bit more open. The writing was a little freer. The production is really kind of raw and in your face, and the songs, man — I'm really, really excited about these songs. And I have to tell you honestly, I wasn't that excited about writing this record at first." Following the tour cycle for 2010's "The Oracle", Erna told The Pulse Of Radio that years of working together almost non-stop were taking their toll on the group. "You know, it was getting rough," he said. "You know, I'm not gonna lie — the band was getting into a funky place and there was talks about breaking up and, you know, not really staying a band anymore. But you know, I think it was just some time we needed, some time to really reassess the thing and really appreciate what we have as a band. We've always been kind of level-headed about things and eventually we just needed to let a little time pass and let the dust settle." Erna added that bad blood over the GODSMACK offshoot ANOTHER ANIMAL, as well as his satisfaction with his own solo album "Avalon", led GODSMACK to the brink before they reconsidered.

GODSMACK: 11 Songs Written For Next Studio Album

GODSMACK frontman Sully Erna tweeted on February 5 that the band has made massive headway in the songwriting process for its next studio album, tentatively due later in the year. "This band is on FIRE lately!" Erna wrote. "Finished 11 songs in two weeks so far. 2014 watch the f%#k out!!! In a post on GODSMACK's official web site, drummer Shannon Larkin added: "We wrote a bunch of new songs in Florida while our new [headquarters] was being built in New England. Now here we are outside of Boston in a kick-ass studio surrounded by GODSMACK vibes and creating like maniacs! "[We have written] so many cool new tunes that I can tell ya it's gonna be hard to narrow these down to the best ones! "I can't give anything away at this point, but wanted to let you real fans know that we are DEEP into this and feeling great about positive attitudes and massive progress!" GODSMACK's last full-length set of all-new material, "The Oracle", came out in May 2010, although the quarter also issued the concert set "Live And Inspired" in 2012. Erna told The Pulse Of Radio a while back that playing live has always been important to GODSMACK. "That's probably the exciting moment for us, is to get out there," he said. "It is truly the thing that keeps us alive and keeps us doing this, is the feeling you get from live performances. It's what I look forward to the most." The band took some time off in 2013 to recharge their batteries and allow members to work on other projects. Erna played some solo shows, and also resumed his poker-playing career. He also acted in a film called "Army Of The Damned", playing a sheriff who uncovers more than he bargained for when he answers a domestic disturbance call.

GODSMACK Begins Writing New Material

The members of GODSMACK have regrouped in Florida to begin writing material for their next album, tentatively due in early 2014. GODSMACK took most of 2013 off. The band spent much of 2012 on the road, both with the Uproar festival tour and Mass Chaos trek, and frontman Sully Erna said that a break was in order. He explained to, "We're going to take some time away now because we just ran for the last two years. It's time for us to take a break and get away from the markets for a little bit so we don't overplay them." GODSMACK's last studio effort, "The Oracle", came out in 2010. The group issued a concert album in 2012 called "Live And Inspired", which also featured newly recorded studio covers of some of the band's favorite classic rock songs, including JOE WALSH's "Rocky Mountain Way", METALLICA's "Nothing Else Matters", THE BEATLES' "Come Together" and PINK FLOYD's "Time".