After London and Antwerp, the DESERTFEST franchise is keeping up its conquest of Europe by launching the very first Greek edition of the famous stoner, doom and psych festival. DESERTFEST ATHENS will take place over the second weekend of October, as a sister event of the autumnal Belgium edition.
Over the years, DESERTFEST has become one of the most popular events in Europe for everything heavy, stoner, doom and psyche. “Made by fans for the fans”, the festival gathers thousands of people from across the globe each year by hosting the finest headliners, while also constantly stretching the limits of its own niche with dozens of quality live acts throughout a weekend. Nurturing a friendly atmosphere since the very beginning, DESERTFEST is a urban festival that has won the loyalty of heavy music lovers, so expect your Greek holiday to be a unique and memorable music and human experience!
Lineup to be announced shortly. Early birds on sale now.
Presase: 2-day tickets: 45 euros (early bird), 60 euros (until 31/08)
Ticket presale here:, Public, SevenSpots, Ianos.
Ticket resellers charge booking fees.
Info:, 2109636489