Fan-filmed video footage of DEATH TO ALL‘s March 12 performance in Vienna, Austria can be seen below.
The current lineup of DEATH TO ALL (DTA) — which features former members of DEATHcelebrating the life and music of Chuck Schuldiner — includes Gene Hoglan (also ofTESTAMENT, DARK ANGEL, DETHKLOK), Steve DiGiorgio (TESTAMENT, CONTROL DENIED, SADUS) on bass and Bobby Koelble on guitar. Max Phelps (CYNIC), who has been touring with DEATH TO ALL, is once again handling the vocal and second-guitar duties.
In a 2014 interview with Metal Rules, DiGiorgio was asked what DEATH TO ALL means to him. He responded: “Our formulated answer is that it is a tribute memorializing the memory of Chuck. To me, it means getting back with buddies. And you’ve seen their lineup change a little bit here, we had Paul [Masvidal] and Sean [Reinert] from CYNIC. We had Shannon Hamm in for a while. And now Gene and Bobby. I’ve jammed with all these guys over the years. They’re pretty much some of the best musicians in the world. At least in my opinion.”
He continued: “We did those albums back in the day, and when our cycle was over, and when whoever lasted however long, we went our own ways. Now we’re back together again and it’s cool, from my point of view, to do music with some of the best, amazing musicians/guys in the world. It’s awesome. And we have a lot of fun every night, man, because we all realize that not only did we make a statement 20-something years ago, but here we are 20-something years later in our mid-40s playing that stuff as we did as young men. It’s kind of, like, yay us. Because we are only just a few years off of 50 and we’re playing this music we did just turning the corner into 20 and we’re doing it pretty good. And that’s not a brag. The reason is we push each other. Somebody falls a little bit behind and this guy’s right behind him. You don’t want to let your guard down, because everybody’s really good at what they do. And that’s what it means to me, man. It means to carry on what we did back then with no idea where we’d be in the future, and here we are doing it with conviction.”
Chuck died on December 13, 2001 after a battle with pontine glioma, a rare type of brain tumor.