Former PANTERA/DOWN and current KILL DEVIL HILL bassist Rex Brown is one of a number of musicians featured on the online guitar lesson learning program JamPlay.
Learn the most popular PANTERA songs as well as new material from KILL DEVIL HILL at JamPlay. Learn from the man himself, Rex Brown!
Rex discusses each song and shares stories about the songwriting and recording process. He also describes what they are like to ROCK live!
Check out these songs, as well as Rex Brown‘s full Artist series where Rex goes over his much-sought-after tone and picking style.
Asked to describe how his playing has changed over the years, Brown told Music Radar: “Whether you’re playing with three or four different cats, you have to adapt to each situation. DOWN didn’t sound like PANTERA, and KILL DEVIL HILL certainly doesn’t sound like either of those bands. You have to size up everybody’s strengths and weakness. Sometimes that calls for you to do a lot or a little, but whatever you do, you serve the song and try to keep it interesting.”
Reflecting on how he fashioned his basslines in and around the massive guitar riffs of late PANTERA axeman “Dimebag” Darrell Abbott, Brown told Music Radar: “Dime‘s sound was so big, I had to look for ways to fit something inside that wall. I had to have a real mid-punch and compose parts that could stand out. I’d play the riffs and then figure out where to take it from there, listening for little pockets of space when I need to add a nuance or a walking line. The main thing was to anchor the song, and when the music needed a little more juice from the bass, I’d go for it.”