

Bryan Reesman of Attention Deficit Delirium recently conducted an interview with legendary BLACK SABBATH bassist Geezer Butler. A few excerpts from the chat follow below.

On being raised vegetarian:

Geezer: “I was brought up vegetarian. Me mum didn’t eat meat, and a lot of it was because we had such a big family. We had seven kids in the family, and me dad used to get about $30 a week to feed us on, so there was never that much meat around anyway. So I didn’t really miss it. Then the older I got, when we started doing up riders for the road, as soon as you would say you were vegetarian, people always would think you had fish for some reason. I said, How is fish a vegetable? I always had these arguments with them and I always had eggs and everything. I just decided to do vegan stuff, nothing to do with any animals or anything. I just went full vegan from there.”

On being raised with religion:

Geezer: “At first, we took Holy Communion and that was about it. I like kids having a belief up to a certain age, then let them go their own way and make their own mind up. I think it was good for me to have been brought believing in with something, and I did get into it and believed in it up to a certain point… As soon as you start meeting girls elsewhere, you sort of go off. That’s what I was doing in the end. I was going to Mass every Sunday just to take a look at all the nice girls that were going there.”

On rebellion:

Geezer: “It’s almost like people are afraid to protest anymore. I’ve noticed that especially in America. If you go out to protest anything, you’re surrounded by police who aren’t afraid to use teargas or rubber bullets or even real bullets.”

On remaining humble:

Geezer: “Know who you are and stay who you are. Always remember your roots. People I know and people that work for us have worked for other people…[certain older people] act like they’ve invented the cure for cancer, the way they treat the people that work for them. It’s unbelievable the egos that some people get. I just don’t get it.”

Read the entire interview at Attention Deficit Delirium.