Bobby Liebling of legendary doomsters PENTAGRAM involved in a “bad bicycle accident” yesterday (Wednesday, August 29) while he was out running errands for his wife and child. As he came around a curve, his front wheel hit a stick that was partially covered up in some loose sand. He was thrown into the road and slid several feet, with his bicycle landing on top of him. Banged up, bleeding and dizzy, he made his way home where he was immediately taken to the emergency room. He suffered an elbow injury, bruised ribs and received 12 staples in his head (see photo below).

Fear not…. the show must go on! He will still perform with PENTAGRAM at the first Power Of The Riff – East festival on September 1 at Warsaw in Brooklyn, New York. The band will perform its Decibel magazine “Hall Of Fame” album, “Relentless”, in its entirety for the first time since the early 1980s. PENTAGRAM will also play other beloved songs spanning the group’s career, including tracks from their most recent album, “Last Rites”. The influential doom legends will also support DOWN in Phillaldephia and Maryland.
