German power metallers PARAGON recently entered Piet Sielck’s (IRON SAVIOR) studio to record their tenth album for a late summer/early fall release. The band states, “We are now almost finished with the recording of our new album. We only have to add some more backing vocals as well as some more lead guitars by our new guitar player Jan Bertram.

“The recordings went very smooth and in the end we recorded it much faster than the previous albums we did with Piet.

“We recorded ten songs, one intro and a cover version but have no title for the album so far.”

The cover artwork will once again be created by Dirk Illing (SCORPIONS, RUNNING WILD), while the photos will be handled by Stefan Malzkorn (GAMMA RAY, SAXON) and the cover layout will be overseen by Claudia von Bihl (Auburn Records, ACCEPT, ANVIL).

Jan Betram previously played with PARAGON’s drummer, Chris Gripp. PARAGON bassist Jan Bünning states, “[Jan] is a longtime PARAGON fan and even wanted to join us a long time ago.”

PARAGON 2012 is:

Andreas Babuschkin – Vocals
Wolfgang Tewes – Guitar, Backing Vocals
Jan Bertram – Guitar, Backing Vocals
Jan Bünning – Bass, Backing Vocals
Chris Gripp – Drums, Backing Vocals

Bünning previously stated about PARAGON’s decision to once again work with Sielck on the new CD, “We already worked with him on four of our previous albums (‘Steelbound’, ‘Law Of The Blade’, ‘The Dark Legacy’ and ‘Revenge’) and it for sure [is] like a coming home for us. Piet worked with bands like SAXON and BLIND GUARDIAN and knows best what we have to sound like.”

PARAGON’s latest album, “Screenslaves”, was released in November 2008 via Massacre Records. The CD was produced by Uwe Lullis (ex-GRAVE DIGGER, REBELLION) at Black Solaris Studio in Frankfurt.

Bünning quit PARAGON after the recording of 2007’s “Forgotten Prophecies” because of “musical differences” but rejoined the band in 2009.
