After a nine-month delay fraught with production delays and financial woes, the long-awaited black metal documentary titled “Out Of The Black” is back on track. The producers of the project plan on making a full independent release sometime in the fall or winter of 2011. The project will partially focus on the roots of black metal and the influence of American death metal and thrash.
Commented executive producer Will Shackleford: “It’s almost like this production is cursed. We have had every single kind of issue you could think of; personal, professional, you name it, it’s happened.”
Shackleford, a political blogger and guitarist/vocalist for the Christian black metal band INCHAINED, says continues, “I hope we are in the home stretch with this thing. We shifted the original focus a bit and concentrated, partially, on the opinions of those outside of the black metal scene. We interviewed some of the godfathers of death metal and thrash to get their opinion on the origins of the sound of black metal.”
DEATH OF DESIRE guitarist Pablo C. Vergara (a.k.a. Morbid), who also serves as a co-producer for the project, added, “I’d like to say that I am proud to be a part of this film. Not only did I have the chance to meet with real extreme black metal bands on the West Coast of the U.S., but I also had the opportunity of co-direct this movie along with Stefan Rydehed and William Shackleford, both talented filmmakers.:
“We never really stopped working. This kind of project takes some time in the making, especially since all three directors were working in different states and even separate continents.”
The documentary will feature the following arists, among others:
* Simon “Pilgrim Beastarius” Rosén (CRIMSON MOONLIGHT)
* George “Corpsegrinder” Fisher (CANNIBAL CORPSE)
* Alex Webster (CANNIBAL CORPSE)
* Paul Mazurkiewicz (CANNIBAL CORPSE)
* Grim Vindkall (DOMGÅRD)
* Gary Holt (EXODUS)
* Rob Dukes (EXODUS)
* HansFurste (SVARTTJERN)
* Steve Tucker (MORBID ANGEL)
* Weston Cage (EYES OF NOCTUM)
* Dawn Desiree (DEATH OF DESIRE)
For more information, go to this location.