Malevolent, SoilworkGus Rios of MALEVOLENT CREATION and Dirk Verbeuren of SOILWORK will serve as guest instructors at Sick Drummer Magazine’s five-day Sick Drummer Camp, which will be held the first week of October in Northern California, about an hour north of San Francisco. Also participating in the event are George Kollias (NILE), Derek Roddy (HATE ETERNAL, NILE, TODAY IS THE DAY), Sean Reinert (CYNIC, DEATH), Danny Walker (INTRONAUT) and Navene Koperweis (ANIMALS AS LEADERS).

Sick Drummer Camp will include group clinics, daily workshops, small group master classes with each drummer, live performances, individual time with each drummer, group jam sessions, indoor go-kart racing and black light miniature golf, casino night (over 21), gourmet pizza night, wine tasting with George Kollias (21 and over), and a special private performance by either CYNIC or ANIMALS AS LEADERS.

For more information, go to this location.
