Procedures for the “Generation X” successor have begun already! CRYSTAL TEARS is working hard on the pre-production of the songs for the next album!
Chrisafis T. “There’s been a while since we’ve started working on new ideas; the whole procedure might be tough, but it is creative & actually fun! Working as a team as always, it seems that it only goes better and better; this time no whips, handcuffs or chains are used… So sad to say that, but it seems it sometimes works even without those… amazing! Hahaha… ok, just a short note to say hi and that it’s really fun to be back on the decks and create our favourite kind of music (with or without any special tools)! The band is really hot at the moment and there is TONS OF INSPIRATION! And when the time is right, we can’t wait for the actual productions at the Prophecy studios with R. D. Liapakis on the production duties once again! Crystal Cheers!”