Norway has a long history on black metal and it is the place where the first bands gave birth to the dark and extreme genre. TSJUDER is active since 1995 having released five full-length albums, several demos and one EP. In the year 2015, they strike again with an album that is what TSJUDER has always been; fierce, raw and cold-blooded.

Antliv” fulfills the expectation of the public by continuing what has been started ever since the band existed. This album is a traditional black metal opus with a professional production which dresses the compositions accordingly.

‘Kaos’ gives a strong kickstart to the album setting the stage right away for what there is to follow. The tempo in ‘Demonic Supremacy’ drops in the middle of the track and with its thrashy and groovy tendencies make it stand out and give an innovative tone as well as the most memorable riff in the whole album. The title track features a catchy riff but could be somewhat shorter than 8 minutes in order not to become tiring or repetitive.

‘Antiliv’ is a little bit less straightforward than the previous ‘Legion Helvete’ but it provides more uniqueness to Tsjuder’s discography. As far as strength and vigor are concerned, the two albums are similar although ‘Antiliv’ strikes from the first impression as an album not to be missed. Not a lot have to be said about this album; it is fierce and traditional sticking to its values and past. There is much potential in spite of the fact that nothing new and surprising is presented.

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